- students label where they are going, and how they get there. Now with more Google Street View, you can walk through many neighbourhoods at street level. Learning theory considers that the we need to have prior knowledge and to activate prior knowledge.
Much of what I saw was not about the SMART board (except the screen capture to Notebook that Mac and already do)
Cool Tools in Google
- Showing Day view - then sliding through a day to reveal where doesn't get dark in the summer (or is always in the winter)
- Showing Chronological View - then sliding to change over time (forest growth, building, demolitions)
- Weather Layer - looking at weather patterns, following hurricanes, look at difference between weather / climate
Version 5 also includes Google Ocean. You can explore the depths and terrain under the ocean surface
I had a question after the session by another delegate about creating KMZ with timeline so I showed him.
- http://earth.google.com/outreach/tutorial_time.html
Lots of fun using the SMART board.
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