Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Power of YouTube

I just read a very interesting article from the Washington Post Online.com http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/18/AR2007071802528.html?hpid=topnews

CNN and YouTube are sponsoring the next presidential debate. As part of the debate, they have requested questions submitted in 30 second video clips. They had more than 1479 submissions. Twenty-four were selected to be aired during the debate and to have the hopefuls respond to it. This is a very high profile option. Instead of letter writing as the communication method to participate in the debate, the ability to record and upload a 30 second video is the level of literacy required. (If you were living in the US, )

Are you literate enough to participate in this debate?

Are you literate enough to use youtube to educate yourself on what the canditates have said?

http://youtube.com/youchoose Are you literate enough to call candidates on their beliefs and statements with direct access to their statements on youtube? Being literate has shifted. Paper and Pencil have their place, but so do other communication technologies.

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