Saturday, January 14, 2012

Transformative Technology - Twitter Stream EdCamp43

Just returning from EdCamp43. Amazing day and conversations. I realize that I need to blog more. I also realize that I microblog when in events. Thought I would try sharing out my experience on the topic and the twitter stream floats away so quickly.....

It is a moral imperative to share learning.
Kevin Amboe
RT IF we are to go looking for 'what went wrong' on a test, that is the start of a conversation, not the end of a measure
Kevin Amboe
It is uncomfortable to live in 'transformation'. You can't learn at full speed all the time. Avoid burn out.
Kevin Amboe
RT : Yes! “: Using an Ipad as an electronic worksheet is an ABOMINATION
Kevin Amboe
If I am teaching content. Can students 'just in time' learn a concept 'off task' that suuports undrstnd 'my content'
Kevin Amboe
RT : Elisabeth - split personality of teacher role, having conversations about learning vs judge ( grades)
Kevin Amboe
Arizona tech integration matrix (similar to BJ Porters work with BC years ago )
Kevin Amboe
Starting transformative use of technology. . Transformative is near the top of the continuum

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