Friday, April 25, 2008

Podcasting in the Science classroom by Paula Taylor

Paula Taylor – Surrey Science Teacher – Blogs in the Science Classroom
Paula is a teacher that believes ‘I have to keep changing as my students keep changing’
Kids are coming to highschool already publishing to the read/write web.

In starting a blog last summer, in one semester she had 19 000 hits instead of the 800 in a semester with a static web1.0 webpage. There may be 200 posts the day before a test with students helping each other.

I loved how several times Paula talked about how her students and colleagues were a community of learners. The learning doesn’t stop when an assignment is complete.

A way of integrating blogs in the classroom that I have not heard yet is to attach a word document template for students to work on. Then they respond with a blog and attach they work in the comments

Here is here blog with assignments for 4 different classes.

Paula also highlighted the changes of being a teacher. It was nice to see the changes that have and are being made listed clearly.

Thank you Paula for sharing exciting teaching with technology from a teacher that admits she knows very little about technology.

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