Monday, April 28, 2008

Web2.0 - ERAC - Learning LInks

This afternoon has been a survey of Web2.0.  It is exciting to listen to people who are using these tools and exploring new ones.  Iron sharpens Iron.  

I should have known better than to try and blog this session.  There are just too many things to try and explain.
Notes from the presentation are located at

I have made a few notes along the way, but I was exploring myself for much of the time.


Consider Blogging - We need to teach students to look into things when reading blogs.  Is the information upto date, do they have expertise, how often do they post, who/ how many are reading the blog

Consider Wikis

Consider Google (everything)
        Notebook - doing research and annotating notes maintaining links.
        Custom Searches
        Google Maps - create custom journeys - similar to Google Earth but not requiring software download

Consider MashUps
        Individual Photos layered on others, or Google Lit Trips, or iGoogle or ....

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