Thursday, May 22, 2008

Apple Digital School - Session 1 - SD42

School District 42 Initiatives in the Classroom

Rory Payment and Peter Valbonesi

 This session is an overview of technology used to support the SD42 school district.

School District Environment

 - 22 elementary schools, 6 secondary schools



Connected Learning Community – recently launched the front end to the service portal.  - working with MAMP – Mac– Apache – MySQL- PHP


BCeSIS – Teachers in 9 elementary schools have been given macbooks to support the needs of BCeSIS.  While they are used for that, teachers are also doing iLife and other productivity applications.


SMART boards

Implemented at 8 schools and the district office.  There is a great wealth of software bundled with the SMART board that allows for high interactivity in Math and Science.


SEED Carts

Teachers can book carts for a term.  It is designed for two teachers to work together on project based learning.  (MS Office is purposefully not installed)  Each cart set has a different set of software available.


One to One

400 students in grade 6/7 (20%) in 15 classrooms.  Classroom is integrated from September to June

In terms of results, it is not about the improvements in writing.  There are so many benefits to the students overall learning and the lives of the students.

Ah ha – some students do better paper-based. 

In some cases, the school decided to load all of the special needs students into the laptop class.  The results from teachers of those classrooms is that it is easier to teach than a class with less identified special needs students and no laptops.

Learning is differentiated as students can demonstrate their learning through Comic Life, iMovie, Podcast, WebPage and more.










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