Monday, July 16, 2012

What was the best thing I did this year? What I hate is....

George Couros challenged myself and my colleagues to blog about what was the best thing I did this year.  I was very challenged with what to write because it was a year of wonder in our office.  While we were in Job Action most of the year and there were tensions around Job Action, we made incredible strides in learning opportunities.

My struggle was to identify what my best could be narrowed down to.  I am proud to have been involved in: (not in a specific order)
1.  Innovative Learning Designs (technology inquiry focus)
2.  Innovative Learning Designs (pedagogy inquiry focus)
3.  Supporting several other inquiry projects
4.  Engaging the Digital Learner Dinner Series
5.  Strength of my Union colleagues standing firm
6.  Our team going to ISTE and presenting 2 session at the international level.

This Sunday, Pastor Tom challenged us to identify what we hate because that tells just as much about a person as asking what they like or love does.  Answering this challenge was easier and lead me to understand why I didn't have a 'best' from an event.

What do I hate?
Bureaucracy that blocks
Not doing for fear
People making bad choices and then wallowing in results. (hungry but have $100 a month cable or smoke a pack a day)
Hearing the Lords name in vain

My list was written as a personal list, but I realized that most applies directly to my work as well.

I hate bureaucracy that blocks -  This year we have been able to get beyond massive amounts of bureaucracy.  The iPads provided a platform where we could empower the teacher in the school to directly make software decisions.  (Software evaluation is a valuable process to ensure pedagogy and functionality.)  Teachers were empowered to explore the pedagogy with low risk and that functionality was almost guaranteed with all apps coming from the iTunes App Store.  

Not everything just works as it needs to communicate through our district resources.  This was frustrating; however, in most cases we were able to work through the bureaucracy to open up new worlds of innovation.  AppleTV is a great example.  We are poised to release at least 2 AppleTVs into each school this year.  The power of this device is having students from anywhere in the class being able to display their work / thinking / learning / ideas on the projector in their class.  Another benefit is being able to project through Skype or FaceTime other learners from around the globe.  I hate delays but the results will be stunning once deployed.

I hate not doing for fear - As an educator, I am a risk taker.  Fear may be too strong of a word, but it is the most suited word I could think of.  Schools often don't do amazing learning because of fear.  Ski trips are all but memories of the past.  Yes accidents have happened in the past and there are risks.  Unfortunately, risk management often becomes "Just don't do it."  I grew up with trampolines in schools.  Every year they moved between schools to share the resource.  Did kids get injured? Yes.  Did I learn? Yes.  Did I engage in a mindset of physical activity? Yes. 

My mindset is that No is not an answer.  If we are afraid of 'possible' results, then we need to actively manage them or come up with creative solutions to provide equivalent alternatives.  

In some cases, students are expected to wash their hands before touching an iPad.  Why?  Are your hands going to damage the iPad?  Students are punished if they carry the iPad with 1 hand? Why? Do accidents happen? Yes.  I was recently teaching summer school and student fell with the iPad in his hands.  I would rather he protect himself, than worry about the iPad.  As he got up, he had a horrible face and said, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to drop the iPad, Is it broken?"  My response - "I don't care about the iPad - Are you okay?"  

Let's spend more time using the iPads than worrying about how to carry them - beyond - "Be safe."  People are more important than technology.  When we focus so much on carrying a device, it shows just how important it is in our eyes.  When a child comes in crying from recess, do we give them as much care and attention as preventing an iPad from possibly falling?

This is such a big one for me.  Whenever I see injustice, it makes me fume inside.  Sometimes it is when students are mistreated.  Sometimes it is when students bring to school the challenges of their home life.  Sometimes it is when students aren't allowed to use technology to write (when they have writing challenges) because it would be unfair to other students.  Fair isn't always equal.  Using technology isn't about getting a reward or a treat, it is about using a tool - the right tool at the right time.  

A while back my wife and I wanted to change the disharmony between our children.  The biggest change that we made was to eliminate YouTube viewing in our house.  YouTube is a great resource but when kids have large volumes of garbage in, then you get garbage out.  After a month we have come to a new balance with limited YouTube viewing of choice, but educational and artistic (music) are not limited.  This made a world of difference to our life.

The corollary is that I prefer students working in partners with iPads.  I want the students to learn communication skills.  I want them to talk in class.  I want to build their oral fluency.  Setting the right guidelines makes a world of difference.  In general, I find students want to have the tool to themselves.  They want to always be the driver of the iPad.  It takes time to build the understanding and compassion to work together.  Initially some students just can't work together.  When you give every student an iPad, they are self interested and are not motivated to support each other in the task.  It is easier to use 1:1 iPads, it is better to use 1:2 iPads.

Making bad choices
This is a pet peave of mine.  I have always been held accountable for my choices.  I have made bad financial decisions and had to live with the consequences.  I am very aware of my decisions and the potential consequences.  I try to think through various scenarios, apply what I know and predict the outcome.  I hate to see bad choices in process and no willingness to change.  I was very glad to see that we changed some plans through the year that prevented what I thought would be disastrous.  Disaster was averted.

Hearing the Lord's Name in vain
While it is self evident that this is offensive to some.  Many others swear and curse.  Schools have understandings that swearing is not acceptable, but sometimes at school I still hear it.  I often will say something to the individual, but just wish it wouldn't happen at all.

Outside of school I hear it sometimes as well and when appropriate I will make it clear I am offended by the language.  Most people are respectful, some not so.

My best this year... 
Being vocal about what I believe is right and making a difference.  

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Preparing for ISTE

It is that time of year again. I had some great ideas to share and applied in September to present this June at ISTE12. I love the conference and I love being able to contribute. My challenge is that I have learned so much since September that what I planned to present needs to be redeveloped. I am doing a session on "empower students oral, reading and writing fluency with apps.". I planned to highlight 10 apps; however the 10 I was thinking of need to change and even the idea of 10 specific apps is now odd to me. One example is that I believe using the right tool at the right time and I believe students should be writers with blogs. When I blog, the iPad is not my choice (first) to type. I am purposefully blogging this post on my iPad to reinforce for myself that it can be a valuable tool to blog (especially when other tools aren't available; the iPad becomes the appropriate tool) When the iPad is capable of so much more, should we Waste valuable access with just typing tasks?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Challenge the Literacy Quo

George Couros challenged us today to define / redefine literacy.  I have asked this question to many groups of teachers.  I have them brainstorm what does it mean to be literate.  At the end, I ask if a monkey could be literate by those definitions.  In most cases, a trained monkey is as literate as many children.

I have been an advocate for Information and Media Literacy for 8 years.  I even started a Wikipedia topic for it in 2007.

As a leader in the district, I need to think about things different.  In the way our district is organized, we have silos of learning and silos of support for the learning.  Secondary school is all about learning within 8 different silos a year.  We know from research that Project Based Learning is a better way to go.  Learning is deeper and more meaningful.

How can we understand who is a Literate student?  Understand that there are many strands of literacy and they are not independent silos.  What does that look like at the district level?

Currently we all work within a silo and have events to celebrate or share learning within the silo.  As Helping Teachers in our district we are overwhelmed with the volume of work that needs to be accomplished every year.  If we are to support a fully literate student, we need to eliminate silos and move students forward in their learning to be a more literate citizen.

Solution - Modelling Project Based Learning through Project Based Celebrations rather than Silo Events.

In our table conversation today, we talked about some of the silo events.  Our roles need to adapt to support growth toward integrated full literacy.

What if...
Speech Fest became Presentation Festival
- Do students have to live present?  Can students support their speech with visuals, with audio, with multimedia.  Is a 'speech' a real-world skill?  Have we not moved to sharing learning?

Dance Festival became Multimedia Festival
- Is dance only about movement to music and costume?  What about creating music to dance to?  What about live performance of music that is choreographed?  What about short drama (with or without music)
- Do all students need to be in the same room.

Science Fair became Inquiry Fair
Do we only learn through science experiments?  Isn't Science really about inquiring?  Is a 1m poster board the best way to showcase learning.  Does it have to happen in the same place at the same time?

Jazz Festival became Multimedia Mashup
- Performance is one aspect but it is also limited to one room in space in time.  What if we had the festivals but filmed / recorded them and then schools mashed up the performances with movies and art from the schools then published to youtube or even shared on iTunes?

Art Showcase in Mall became Roving Art Kiosks
- What would it look like to share the physical art with an audio or video of the student creating the art and sharing their learning.  Is art just about the final product?  Sharing only the final product reduces it.

Elementary Science was taught with real experiments and Real Grade 10 Scientists
- What if Grade 10 students worked with Elementary students doing experiments that are beyond the comfort zone of the elementary teachers. (igniting a balloon of hydrogen and oxygen to create water vapour)

What if we created a new event called Plethora of Passions Portfolio
- This be an entire district event where we support students passions being profiling.  How can a hockey guru have their passion acknowledged.

We need to stop preparing students for a 10% chance of graduating university with a degree - Let's learn with our students for TODAY.  Let's make sure every event and project we do is grounded in the current real world, not the real world of years ago.

iPad Experiment - A Learned Mistake

I entered February bright eyed and ready to tackle doing everything on the iPad.  Very soon I realized it was not the right tool for everything.  I do still use my iPad almost daily; however, not for everything.

The iPad has many great features:
- Creativity
- Communication
- Easy
- Convenient

The laptop is better (for many features of my daily life)
- Management of large amounts of email
- Management of large amounts of text document creation
- 'I know how to do everything' - (when I get overwhelmed - I revert to the comfort tool.)

I do believe that in a classroom and as a learning tool, I could use the iPad for everything.  I also believe that the traditional essay is dead and should be dead.  Does this have the same impact as a 5 page essay.  Which took longer to 'write?'  Which is more meaningful?

I also believe that the iPad is less about being a productivity tool and more about learning.  For me and for now, I will keep both the iPad and MacBook.

So can I use only the iPad?  Yes.  Can I do what I do now with only the iPad? No.  Somethings I should change what / how I do them.  Somethings I should use the most appropriate tool.

I was wrong to think the iPad could do it all for me in my current position at my current level of productivity.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The continuing mission, to ....

I love my iPad but it is not the full answer. Even though I am dedicated to using it, I yearn for the full power of a laptop. I have allowed myself flex to do menial tasks like sorting and putting into folders 75 emails etc.

While an ad can recapture productivity times when you just have 5 min before a meeting starts or suring the meeting, it loses in other areas with functionality and data entry.

My goal this weekend was to be creative. I went for a walk with my girls(iPad and a camera in hand). Boy did I feel awkward carrying the iPad in the trails. I did some filming as they played by the strem; however they were more interested in the woods than the ipad( yeah:)

A bit later we fed some ducks and geese. The iPad was functional but I preferred making photos on my point and shoot camera. I held it just off the water to get some creative shots. Not as simple to be creative at the shore with a bulky low res iPad camera.

I have now began to look at telling a story with the raw footage. Walking, talking, ducks, geese, feeding, stills and video.

First up. IMovie (4.99)- easy to use, I would feel comfortable teaching k/1 to make a movie no problem. The finger gestures are easy to learn. I made a movie quickly.

Aha moment - you can transfer the raw movie between devices with iTunes sharing. You can export the final movie to a service like YouTube or the camera roll but you have to wait for it to render. I started it and switched tasks... Returned to have to restart the rendering.

Next. The Avid Studio app(4.99) - pretty powerful. I would not use this with K/1 (at least at first). The expanded features and options in comparison to iMovie allow for much more fine editing and higher quality end product

(high quality end products should not be the goal though. We want students to be able to create and communicate - both do the task and iMovie is simpler to use)

Splice (free and 3.99) (with additional in app purchase for special fx) (iPhone not universal app). This is a very simple to use app. The workflow makes sense. Being an iPhone app that does the same as the first two, I would stick to them on the iPad. For an iPod/ iPhone app, I would use Splice

A turn in a different but relevant direction is to film and event and provide a vice and annotation analysis. Coaches Eye (4.99). Let's you film a clip, then record your review and notes over it. Awesome tool. (I will revisit this looking at tools like Show Me or Explain Everything)

My choice for starting with students - iMovie. (I may move to Avid later with them)
My choice for a project of mine - Avid Studio
My choice if on my iPod - Spilce
My choice for annotating or teaching through the video - Coaches Eye
(in short - choose the right tool at the right time)

Now that I had fun creating, I just want to touch on the why again.

I believe that students need to be creative and be creators. These tools allow a very engaging way to do both.
Reasons to have students create a video:

Exploration / wonder
Review of learning
Explaining learning of a concept
Speech practice
Creative writing coming to life
Practicing oral fluency
Describing a piece of their work - author statement
Public service announcements
(feel free to comment and add to the list)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Life on an iPad 2

I have continued using my iPad as my device if choice. This post will be typed with the iPad and no corrections.

OnFriday I challenged myself to type as fast as I could. I tried a passage with a laptop , I typed 43 wpm. The same passage with touch typing on the iPad 18.6 wpm. Then with a stylus still 17 wpm

So typing is slower but when do I Ned to type large amounts?

Great that it has a 10 hour battery but the iPad gets used 10 hours a day and needs charging before going to work the next day.

My goal this weeks to move beyond caring about data entry. Last week I has the pleasure of wattending an iPad boot camp with Bryan Hughes. Teacher librarian in north Vancouver. Some great new apps and ways to consider their use.

Flowing from data entry though is being productive. The top 5 apps I use tobe productive included:
Mail/ First Class
Paper port notes by nuance
Google docs

The obvious reasons fr a mail application apply but the productivity comes from not needing to be connected. I can get so much done in those 5 minutes waiting in line, for the water to boil, or before a meeting starts. I likely gain 2 hours a day having access with a device (I use my iPod touch a lot for that)

Calendar is fat as I don't worry about tomorrow. I always have it in my devices. I also can add information like phone, address, and agendas to the events

PaperPport Notes is much like notes but far better. It allows stickies, voice notes/ conversion, highlights, and drawing all in the same document and syncing between devices

Google docs has been amazing for our team. We organize events collaboratively, have registrations for events and download the lists to print name tags etc. so easy and shared access - anywhere with wifi

Dropbox. I can't say enough about it. It has changed the way I store information If I need to use it once, I don't put it in the cloud. If I just want an archive, such as a YouTube video, I store it locally, the best part is that the three of us on the team all have a shared Dropbox folder, we all can work on our documents and see them to answer questions for others when we aren't there. I even have a share now with my wife to keep some documents accessible at home or work for us both

I don't think I can live without these tools anymore. It does say some things about my life though. I rely on the technology and expect it to be there. To quote Lisa Domeier de Suarez, 'Internet access is the new electricity'. A teacher at a nearby school was allowing students to bring in their devices. They could take pictures of their notes or homework, until the admin heard about it and said,'they would have to discuss it.' which meant. Once I talk to your teacher the answer is no. Sad that a passionate knowledgable educator making connections for his students got shut down.

Just try to have an electricity free school.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Living on an iPad.

I have tried very hard to just use my iPad as my computing device for the last two days. It really is challenging. I dietary and prepare by enabling print sharing the night before. It configured at home but not within the district network. Took some MacBook time to try tweaking but to no avail(I have submitted a service page and will see if that provides an option)

I needed to break from the plan to:
1. Try tweaking a printing solution
2. Create a fireworks logo that needed printing. Since I had one that needed editing it was easier than creating a new one in a new software.
3. I also needed over the last two days to print.

Printing is not going away. When I work with teachers new to iPads I ask why you would need to print. I have now got several answers..
Printing posters for bulletin boards
Printing expense claims ( that I have to attach receipts and submit))
Printing a document requiring a signature
Printing an attendance sheet for a workshop. (I could have used an app and have them sign in on my device; however I would then dedicate a 500 device to act as a $0.05 piece of paper and not be able to use it myself while they sign in.)

Beyond the basics...
I am trying to be true to the concept; however, I find myself wanting to 'quickly' do some multitasking work while I was on my laptop to print. It brought to my attenttion that I multi task heavily. If a website takes time to load, I move to another task. If a file is uploading, I switch and do something else. If I am answering email, I like to have my calendar open at the same time (without switching)

Creative work ...
I haven't had time to do any today... My IPad is being used as a small laptop without a tactile keyboard. I am doing quite well atyping and allowing autocorrect to do its magic. Still slower than using a keyboard (when I am focused on typing I can type 60 wpm). Currently I am able to type about 30 wpm on the iPad. The iPad is not the best typing device. I personally miss the tab key, the underscore on the main keyboard, and cursor keys

Internet ...
Most websites are working fine. You learn some quirks like entering dates on calendars that are not optimized for mobile devices - zoom and slide etc. We are doing a pedometer challenge in our building and that site must use flash as it just appears blank. If it was just me, I would use a different site, but I have to use the site provided. (and they dont have an app).

I needed to edit a web page but the wysiwyg editor did not show properly on the iPad I managed to accomplish it but not as easy in a full browser.

I didn't realize just how much I did in emails / paperwork in a day. It was harder to be as efficient getting my regular work load done. That is real aha though.

I need to spend more time in the classroom. We have several key events coming up that require a level of productivity, but I will stick to using iPad. It will force me to think differently.

What if the iPad was the only device available to a teacher, a student, a class. Should it be wasted on productivity.... Perhaps there are other ways to get the desired result on an iPad by doing it differently or to quote APPLE Think different

Off to finish my emails today. Tomorrow I will do my blog without backspace for corrections...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Does an iPad replace other computers ?

I have bantered the idea of using my iPad only for the month of February.  If I am going to be immersed in supporting iPads with our teachers, I need to make the mind shift to use it for everything.

Currently my iPad is used less than maximum; however, I have access to a MacbookPro for work and a PC at home.

The question rises for schools - what if I only have an iPad?  Should we buy desktops or even laptops anymore?

I haven't quite decided myself if I will take on this challenge as there are challenges that I know will arise.
- What if I want to print?  Do I send it to a colleague? (not fair to them)  Do I try to get the district to have a new printer that accepts AirPrint?
- Can I create everything I need to on an iPad? - (Pages on iPad can't export to ePub)
- Will I be as efficient?  To search in First Class, it takes more steps on an iPad...

I am thinking that I should try this, but allow 30 minutes a day access to another computer.

Any thoughts or advice?

Monday, January 23, 2012

iBook Author - Where is the real power?

I was very excited to hear the foreshadowed Apple announcement changing the textbook world.

This has the potential to change learning resources in the same way that the printing press did almost 600 years ago.  The printed word became accessible to a broader audience.  Now the multimedia world will become accessible to a broader audience.

We already have access to the individual pieces of information and media; however, there hasn't been a crisp way to staple all the resources together.  Now there is

I have already read some criticism that the power of the multi billion dollar textbook industry will still remain with the publishing giants.  While I can see that as try for content rich textbooks that have every detail for entire courses, I see greater potential outside of the publishing companies.

I see the real power being brought to the students and teachers.  As a teacher I can now create custom content for the course I want to teach.  (Unfortunately, this is still living in the old paradigm of teacher experts but better than a business as the expert).  The most amazing power will be what students can create.

A huge frustration for me is when teachers create an awesome wiki with their students, then ask how to erase it all at the end of the course.  Why do we make students start their learning journey at the beginning.  All current innovation is built on previous innovations.  Why should 'textbooks' of the future delete those previous learnings?  Wouldn't it be better to create a 'textbook' resource with a class, then have the next class spring board to adapt old learning and explore new learning.

Please don't waste previous student's learning.  Acknowledge and honour the previous learning and move forward.  Textbooks are dead resources from a snapshot in time.   The content in a textbook is not the value; the process of learning and engaging with the content is the value.   Living iBooks can and should develop a life of their own

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Technology as a change driver

Always fun to read something and see it with a different perspective.  This (  article from Finland shared that "Frequent surveys of Finnish teachers' use of technology in instruction, however, demonstrated that technology can't be the main driver of change in education."

This could be read as - 'Don't expect technology integration to result in changes to education." or "Technology doesn't drive change." or "Don't bother spending money on technology because it doesn't make a difference."

Using the driving metaphor, I support technology is not the driver of change; however, I would propose that it is the highway change is driving on.  The bumpy dirt road of the internet and pentium 100 computers of 15 years ago were dirt roads - they still got you places - but slower and maybe with some bumps and bruises along the way.

It was incredible today as I was talking with an incredible teacher colleague.  In one year, the work of his students has gathered 101, 000 views in their youtube channel.  The automotive industry is one of the most high tech in the world, yet schools often send their struggling and disengaged students there.  Mani Grewal at Frank Hurt Secondary School ( has grown his program into an immensely popular program at the school and engages students with real world learning experiences and sharing their learning with the real world.  His shop functions as a shop with customers bringing in their vehicles with unknown problems.  The learning output of his students is phenomenal.  During this semester, they have overhauled 2 engines, did 6 cylinder gaskets, 3 clutches and numerous smaller jobs.  On top of it, they produced 6 more videos explaining their learning.

Students are learning with technology constantly in this 'classroom.'  They use All Data to assist with diagnosis and repair, they use power points and videos regularly in the classroom, and they use their personal devices to assist them writing tests.  

Returning to my premise though... Technology has empowered this awesome teacher to engage students, provide them extensive life skills, and provide a world audience to their work.  The driver is good thoughtful teaching.  The learning is deep and fast empowered by technology.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Response to - To Gel or Not to Gel

I read the blog post noted above, and posted a comment.  After seeing what I was able to articulate, I thought it was worthy of its own post....

1.  Living, Learning and Teaching in Transformation is tiring and uncomfortable.  I believe that new learning doesn't occur unless we are a place of transformation.  If we are not uncomfortable, we know it already and are not motivated to learn.  Equally though we may learn every single day; we don't need to be learning every moment of every day.  Everything I know says if I want to learn French, I need to be immersed in French and not have English as an option.  Certainly uncomfortable but I would learn the language better than being a 'Language Tourist' where I can step back to being comfortable.

2.  Digital is a language.  Many of our students are Digital Natives and speak Digital fluently; however, just like our classrooms, not everyone comes to school with the skills to speak and learn with the language proficiently - even though it is the expected norm.

With Marc Prensky's work came the term Digital Immigrant and Digital Native.  The concept was native speakers and second language learners.  Research shows learning multiple languages is easiest before 6 years and dramatically difficult after 10 years old.  If we remain as a Digital Tourist that can use the language for 'excursions' of learning but return 'home' and revert to our old language, then students lose the immersion experience and we actually make it harder for students to learn the language as they get older.

Many students are bi-lingual with English and Digital; most teachers are too old to be Digital Native speakers.  Rather than being a Digital Tourist, some teachers have chosen to immerse themselves in Digital.  These teachers can become fluent in Digital and English.  Ideally all teachers will be fluent in both languages, but the most impact would be for helping students be bi-lingual by the age of 10.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Renewed commitment - It is a moral imperative to share learning

Wow did this one hit me. I had an amazing conversation with two educators for Penticton this afternoon - Myron Dueck and Todd Manuel. It was just a sharing time. We talked about education and supporting technology use. I remember some of my best ProD being this type of personal conversations.

We were passionate about a topic and kept at it for an hour non stop. We all had so much to offer the conversation. Surrey is integrating iPads in a big way so I was able to offer some thoughts, but the conversation stretched into so much more. Even having to articulate answers to questions pushed me to think deeper about how I support technology integration.

A quote from today was that "It is a moral imperative to share learning." A critical component to sharing is being 'available' to know your ideas for sharing. Thanks to James Gill from SD43 for being the connector and broadening my PLN.

EdCamp43 - Transformative Learning

What do you think about Transformative Learning? What do you think about sharing a twitter stream as a blog? As I just posted in my last post, I kick myself regularly for not blogging. (When does microblogging become a blog post?)

Here is the nuggets of my learning on Transformative uses of Technology conversation at EdCamp today.

Kevin Amboe
Content is the conversations along the journey. Make connections to life. Can't make a journey and never move.
Kevin Amboe
Don't teach content. Teach students. Explore the world together. Take a learning road trip. .
Kevin Amboe
Let's go back to why teachers don't do inquiry? Go further back to why am I teaching any content? A report card?
Kevin Amboe
It takes courage to say what you really mean. Inquiry is personal. Thanks Louise Morris sd42 for that nugget
Kevin Amboe
RT : School is more than questions on a test. Good question can't be googled. no more trivial pursuit
Kevin Amboe
Is it harder to change the mindset of teachers or students to the paradigm / cultural shift to inquiry learning
Kevin Amboe
RT : yes, support them, remove barriers (and in some cases get out of their way. yes, we need to GOOTW
Kevin Amboe
How do we push the envelope to eliminate asking the 'googlable' question ?
Kevin Amboe
RT : ​How to take advantage of the 'pockets of brilliance' happening? . Remove barriers and empower, then share
Kevin Amboe
Amazing shift. Mythology was the way of explaining the world. Science now reduces the myths to stories
Kevin Amboe
student quote - (inquiry) makes me want to think more. So powerful when students lead there learning
Kevin Amboe
RT : The day . Excitement and passion as seen by stickies
Kevin Amboe
Starting a session on inquiry great to have 2 history 11 students sharing. Thanks Jon V for inviting them